Mobile Screen For Mi

Mobile Screen For Mi


Mi phone replacement screen, there are many models of LCD display in stock. 

The original standard, fully adapted, perfectly matches the user's mi phone screen replacement. 

Series contains new LCD screens with touch screens and digitizer assembly as part to replace your LCD display screens and make them work properly.

Phone Screen For Redmi 9A

The development of LCD technology has been very mature, and all of the common inorganic materials are used, resulting in a relatively low manufacturing cost. Second, one of the most significant advantages of LCD screens is their higher definition. Because the LCD screen does not require self-illumination, its pixel arrangement is the most common RGB arrangement, in which the three pixels of blue, green, and red are equally large and closely packed together. The edges of the picture's details displayed in this manner are less prone to blurring.

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Phone Screen For Redmi 5Plus

The LCD display is a type of flat-panel display that is also a liquid crystal display. The LCD display employs a liquid crystal solution in two polarized materials, so that when a current passes through the liquid, the crystals are rearranged to achieve imaging. Because each point of the LCD screen retains its color and brightness after receiving a signal, it emits light continuously, as opposed to the cathode ray tube display (CRT), which must constantly refresh the bright spots. As a result, the LCD display is of high quality and flicker-free, reducing eye fatigue.

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Phone Screen For Redmi Note7

The LCD screen uses strict sealing technology to seal a small amount of electromagnetic waves from the drive circuit in the display screen, whereas ordinary monitors must make the internal circuit as much as possible in contact with the air to dissipate heat, so that the electromagnetic waves generated by the internal circuit are also "leaked" outwards in large quantities. There is no electromagnetic radiation on the LCD screen.

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Phone Screen For Redmi 8A

The LCD screen is the most common type of mobile phone screen, and its color reproduction is relatively clear and accurate. Backlight support is required because it lacks self-illumination capabilities. To produce the polarizing effect, it must pass through two layers of glass, optical film, alignment film, and color filter, making the screen thicker. Most importantly, it uses inorganic materials almost exclusively, so there is no radiation effect.

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